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Click these buttons at right to view the current By Laws and Constitution which also include further Codes of Conduct specific to various roles at FLSC

The FLSC Member Code of Conduct is intended to provide a framework

to all members of the Frankston Life Saving Club 

to ensure the best outcomes and experiences possible. 


All members, officers and staff shall comply with the following

Code of Conduct –

  1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others;

  2. Be fair, equitable, considerate and honest in all dealings with others;

  3. Be aware of, and maintain an uncompromising adhesion to, FLSC, LSV and SLSA standards, rules, regulations and policies;

  4. Be professional in, and accept responsibility for actions;

  5. Make a commitment to providing quality service;

  6. Use facilities and equipment for their proper purposes, and care for and maintain such facilities and equipment correctly;

  7. Refrain from anything which may abuse, intimidate or harass others;

  8. Preserve and protect the standing and reputation of the FLSC and lifesaving in general;

  9. Understand the consequences of any breach of LSV and SLSA's Member Protection Policy or Codes of Conduct.

Frankston Life Saving Club is committed to the Safeguarding of Children and Young People (SCYP).

It is imperative that we provide a safe and supportive culture for children and young people, focussing on fun, education and building the confidence of our people through positive learning and development. FLSC’s core values include being open, welcome and inclusive and building stronger and safer communities for everyone. FLSC empowers and expects all members, board members, affiliated Clubs, consultants, contractors and licensees, to create and maintain a safe culture for children and young people. FLSC is committed to reducing the risks of abuse and harm to children and young people, and will ensure all staff, members, affiliated Clubs, consultants, contractors and licensees understand and adhere to the SCYP Policy and Procedure, relevant legislation, and statutory requirements.

We commit to creating an environment for children and young people to be safe and to feel safe in any of our programs, activities or events. Please refer to the more extensive Life Saving Victoria SCYP resources found at

To communicate with the

FLSC Board Collective, email

At Frankston Life Saving Club we are committed to the wellbeing, safety and inclusion of all children and young people.

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Address: 1/1N Long Island Drive, Frankston Beach.               Postal: PO Box 1041 Frankston Vic 3199                Email contact:

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