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Welcome to Frankston Life Saving Club

Members Development (Training) Area

At Frankston Life Saving Club (FLSC) we are committed to the ongoing skills improvement of our members.

In this section of the website you will find out about key elements of our training opportunities such as:

  1. New Awards for Members

  2. Re-Qualifications Opportunities (These are only available to members and can also be found in the members area Facebook page: Frankston Lsc)

  3. Our team and the wider resources in the Kingston area

FLSC operates under the umbrella of Life Saving Victoria (LSV) which is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). This means that where applicable, courses such as First Aid are recognised by industry - a definite advantage to our members.


We also consider Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) where this can apply to our Awards - Members can bring their skills and experience with them.

New Awards

Developing new skills and personal growth is a key concern for everyone in the Member Development (Training) Area. From becoming an Age Manager to the Nippers all the way through to being recognised as a Trainer or an Assessor, we are committed to helping our members develop new skills and confidence.

FLSC offers a number of Awards to our members, including:

  • Age Manager

  • First Aid

  • Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC)

  • Bronze Medallion

  • Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Crew, then Driver

Explore the Skills Development Pathways in more detail here

Developing new skills and personal growth is a key concern for everyone in the Member Development (Training) Area. From becoming an Age Manager to the Nippers all the way through to being recognised as a Trainer or an Assessor, we are committed to helping our members develop new skills and confidence.

FLSC offers a number of Awards to our members, including:

  • Age Manager

  • First Aid

  • Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC)

  • Bronze Medallion

  • Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Crew, then Driver

Explore the Skills Development Pathways in more detail here [coming soon].

Members can book their New Awards Practicals through the LSV Training Portal: Member-Training-from-Anywhere.
Note: if you have not used the system before you will need to create a (free) account.
Once you login just click on New Awards to find the training options available.

Developing new skills and personal growth is a key concern for everyone in the Member Development (Training) Area. From becoming an Age Manager to the Nippers all the way through to being recognised as a Trainer or an Assessor, we are committed to helping our members develop new skills and confidence.

FLSC offers a number of Awards to our members, including:

  • Age Manager

  • First Aid

  • Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC)

  • Bronze Medallion

  • Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Crew, then Driver

Explore the Skills Development Pathways in more detail here [coming soon].

Members can book their New Awards Practicals through the LSV Training Portal: Member-Training-from-Anywhere.
Note: if you have not used the system before you will need to create a (free) account.
Once you login just click on New Awards to find the training options available.

Re-qualifications (Requals)

All Awards holders need to renew their competency regularly and FSLC supports their members in this, as does our larger region of Kingston.

Notifications of upcoming re-qualifications sessions are made available to our members through the club's private Facebook page. Members are encouraged to join our page located at Frankston Lsc.

In addition, members will also be notified of upcoming opportunities via SurfGuard mailouts - Please ensure your contact details are up to date when you renew your membership - if you have any concerns, contact our Membership Director.

Members can book their re-qualifications through the LSV Training Portal: Member-Training-from-Anywhere, once you login just click on Skills Maintenance to find the re-qualification options available.

Our Team

Our Presenters, Trainers and Assessors are all highly trained and skilled individuals who volunteer their time and energies to ensure those we train receive the best possible chance to excel as lifesavers.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Bronze / SRC Courses

Upcoming courses will be released on our Facebook page - please regularly check for updates

NOTE you will need to register and advise to confirm your place in the course

All candidates must successfully complete a pre-qualifying swim. 200m in 5 minutes for SRC or 400m in 9 minutes for Bronze. Attend ONE of the qualifying swim dates, or contact Craig to make alternate arrangements.


For further information, contact


See You On The Beach!


Skills Maintenance

Dates for Skills Maintenance for the 2021/22 will be released on our Facebook page - please regularly check for updates.  And please note you need to book online and complete the online training using Training From Anywhere


For further information contact

At Frankston Life Saving Club we are committed to the wellbeing, safety and inclusion of all children and young people.

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Call Us -  0408 519 970      or   0409 538 292


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Address: 1/1N Long Island Drive, Frankston Beach.               Postal: PO Box 1041 Frankston Vic 3199                Email contact:

© Frankston Life Saving Club Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                          Last Updated: February 2025                                                                                                                           WIX.COM

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