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Welcome to Frankston Life Saving Club

Members Development (Training) Area

Training Pathways Available Through Life Saving Victoria (LSV)

Here at Frankston Life Saving Club (FLSC) we work hard to ensure we have some great people to pass on, not only the skills and knowledge needed to be a Life Saver, but also the wisdom and experience only experience and time will allow you to develop.

Your Pathways

Life Saving Victoria (LSV) Accredited Developmental Pathways

* Cannot be trained by Frankston LSC, LSV may run a course sometime during the year.

The above awards are all covered under the LSV Registered Training Operator (RTO) accreditation and are recognised throughout Australia.

Everyone interested in developing their career/skills as a life saver beings in the Aquatic Awards as either an SRC or Bronze Medallion (depending on their age) and then has the opportunity to broaden their skills from their.

You can find out more about all the courses, skills development and leadership programs offered by Life Saving Victoria (LSV) by downloading the accompanying PDF (Click on the icon to the right).

At Frankston Life Saving Club we are committed to the wellbeing, safety and inclusion of all children and young people.

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Call Us -  0408 519 970      or   0409 538 292


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Address: 1/1N Long Island Drive, Frankston Beach.               Postal: PO Box 1041 Frankston Vic 3199                Email contact:

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